Thursday, November 08, 2007

The Sound of Moose-ic

Through the miracle of Roxie-Cam (trademark: RW Enterprises, LLC), we can tell you that Moose spent part of the morning before her Very Big Lecture at Rutgers doing 3.5 miles on a hotel treadmill while listening to The Sound of Music on her iPod. As I have said many times, Moose is weird, but we'll let her do anything to psyche herself up. She was so buoyed up after hearing "I Have Confidence" that she played "The Lonely Goatherd" twice so that she could imagine all of the blog pals and friends and family members who have been so supportive of all the fun we've been having here in Roxie's World singing it along with her. She grinned and hummed and imagined a kickline of her favorite homosexuals (including, of course, QTA, Candy Man, and the Official Prep School Teacher of Roxie's World), a chorus of her actual and metaphorical sisters (including Big Sissy and Baby Sis, who, as we speak, is in rehearsals for a local production of The Sound of Music, as well, of course, as Goose, Rutgers Alumna, Dudley's Human, my Aunties Faye, Katie, and Isa, the Official Baby Butch of Roxie's World, and even the Shy One, provided we can coax her out onto the stage for a public singalong). She also imagined a bunch of my dog pals running across the stage for a chorus of barks during the big finish -- You know, "lady oh lady oh LAY!"

Moose also checked her and my horoscope for today. (We are both Aries.) It read, and I quote,
For Thursday, November 8 -Nothing can slow you down today -- your energy is booming and people are climbing all over each other to line up and see what you've got to offer! Ride this wave of good feeling with everything you've got -- and invite others to catch the killer surf with you. You will feed off the energy that an audience gives you, and you will savor the energy of the crowd. There is a real sense that anything is possible when a group of like-minded folks hang ten together.
It's like it was written right here in Roxie's World by our own team of tea-leaf readers and prognosticators, isn't it???

Okay, kids, it's almost showtime. We'll let you know how it goes. Meantime, here's a little video amusement to help focus your dreams and the good thoughts you are sending in Moose's direction.


  1. I've been sending you good vibes all day! I have confidence in confidence alone, besides which you see I have confidence in [you]!


  2. Anonymous6:53 PM EST

    Te Roxiem laudamus!

    If you're putting together a chorus line, can my human be the guy with the pointy hat and the cup who just waves? Not only would she probably want a swig of something anyway, but, um, it's really not safe to let her sing. I, on the other hand, am always at full volume and always on key.

    Good luck, Moose!

  3. Anonymous2:43 PM EST

    this made me cry ... as well as making me feel I CAN DO ANYTHING... so I know YOU CAN DO ANYTHING ROXIE !! knock em dead!


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