Monday, February 09, 2009

Don't Divorce Us

Check out the latest from the Courage Campaign, which is fighting for the repeal of California's Prop 8 and against Ken Starr's effort to un-do the marriages of same-sex couple who were wed before the measure passed in November. Watch the vid, hum along to Regina Spektor's wonderful "Fidelity," then click on over and sign the letter to the California Supreme Court, which will hear oral arguments in the Prop 8 case on March 5.

We've blogged on the Courage Campaign before, and we reserve the right to do so again. We give them props for realizing that, in a culture that has reduced its politics to the rankest forms of individualism and sentimentality, you might as well give in and show the teary, big-eyed kids, the guys in their tuxes and pink ties, the girls in white dresses and sensible shoes, the bellies swollen with children longing to be born to legally wedded homos. Whatever it takes, people. The idea of a state forcibly divorcing citizens should make each and every one of us sick with rage. Watch the vid. Then do something, dammit, or I swear we'll update you on the progress of Moose's shingles.

"Fidelity": Don't Divorce... from Courage Campaign on Vimeo.

With love and a hat tip to the Baby Sister of the Moosians, who posted this to her Facebook page and is rapidly becoming the queerest straight girl we know.

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