SRW: So, Moose, busy week. How's the reentry going?
Moose: So far, so bueno, but I'm here to tell you that life off leave is nothing like life on leave!
SRW: Fascinating, Moose. Could you elaborate for our readers?
Moose: Well, for one thing it involves a lot more talking -- to other people! -- and listening, lots and lots of listening. Oh, and clothing. Every single day. Clothing that fits and looks presentable and everything. It's going to take a while to get used to having to get dressed before 3 or 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
SRW: Now, Moose, aren't you exaggerating slightly?
Moose: Maybe a little, but, hey, I don't have a dog to walk anymore. That always got me out and about, gave me a sense of order and purpose, you know. I read a couple of stories this week about the trapped Chilean miners, about how important psychologists say it is for them to maintain a routine in order to keep from going all Lord of the Flies. I think it's possible I fell down a little in that department in the last few months of my leave, without, I hasten to say, killing anyone or even stealing their glasses.
SRW: Ah ha! Are you saying that it's good to be back on campus and to have more structure to your time again?
Moose: I'm saying it isn't all bad by any stretch of the imagination. I have a great appreciation for the value of time spent off and away from the clock. Even though it's important to get stuff done in order to justify one's time "off" -- to have something to show for it, as we say -- one of the best things about leaves and sabbaticals is that they open up space for moments of non-doing, which, as I have said before, are as necessary to one's creativity and learning as doing is. I firmly believe that daydreaming and other mental activities that don't appear to be productive can free up our minds in ways that will eventually help to advance our projects. Sometimes looking away is the best way to see something more clearly. (I note with interest, for example, a recent Chronicle of Higher Ed piece on academics who find that running increases mental acuity and helps with professional problem-solving.)
On the other hand, after spending a year mostly in a quiet, fairly unstructured time/space, I have to admit it feels good to step out into the daylight, as it were, and into a different energy. (Yes, I am thinking about those miners again, empathizing with their confinement to a dark, underground world, imagining their eventual [we hope!] return to life above ground.) There were moments last week when I really did feel that I was mentally blinking as I tried to adjust to a brighter, louder, more fast-paced world, but I also enjoyed it. Right away I felt my own pace quicken a bit and my reactions get a little sharper. I didn't miss a beat, for example, when my dean asked me at a meeting early in the week to take on a significant new service obligation. I agreed to do it -- in exchange for funding for a small but important initiative in my office. I think I even had the audacity to use the phrase quid pro quo as I was making my demand. Oh, yeah, I thought as I left the meeting, Moose is back on the leash -- and back in the game!
SRW: You're also back in the classroom. How does that feel?
Moose: Great, of course. Teaching really is like riding a bicycle. You don't forget how to do it and it can be a whole lot of fun. In this case, I have the added thrill of feeling like I am riding a shiny new bike, since the course I am teaching is brand new and the method of teaching it -- a writing workshop, really -- is so different from what I do in the lit or theory courses I usually teach. Plus, the course doesn't fulfill a single requirement for any degree program on campus, which means the students are taking it not because they have to but because they want to! That is like an academic hot fudge sundae with an extra dollop of awesome sauce on top!
SRW: So, how's it going?
SRW: Moose? I asked how the blogging class is going.

SRW: Sure they will, Moose. We're all here to assure your reentry is a smooth one. Think of Roxie's World as the multi-colored parachute automatically deployed to drop you gently and safely back to earth. Just stop in and type every now and again, OK? We miss you around here!
Moose: Oh, you know I will, Rox. I couldn't live without the work I do here. It's too much fun.
SRW: Alrighty then. There you have it, my pretties. The Moose has landed, and all is well in Roxie's World. Here's hoping all your landings are soft, all your students are brilliant, and all your deans are amenable to the making of mutually beneficial deals. Peace out.
Howz aboute you tell your students that you are considering blogging here aboute your blogging course, and ask them whatte they thinke?
ReplyDeleteI wonder how people can assume that we don't obsess about teaching, doing it well or even better than that! as well as all the other hats we wear. I was sorry to see this in my email this am:
ReplyDeleteWeekly Briefing -- Chronicle of Higher Education
Tuesday September 07, 2010
This Week's Highlights
Why Teaching Is Not Job No. 1
By Robin Wilson
Efforts to assess learning often fail because there's little incentive for faculty members to be better teachers.
Audio: Do Professors Pay Enough Attention to Whether Students Are Learning?
yes we do! We care! how could you possible assume otherwise?
here's to great teachers who are recognized for caring -- that is to say -- virtually ALL of us!!!
To the new year! Katie
Yes, teaching is central and crucial to our work. . .teaching is research just as research is teaching (as our friend Cathy D. wrote a few weeks back), and this interview shows that well. Welcome back, Moose!
ReplyDeleteAlways yours,
I do understand about not wanting to blog about the class on this here blog. I'm just so curious about how it goes. I like Comrade's idea of having the students blog about the class.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the class, Moose! Have a blast!
One more thing: I vaguely remember Roxie mentioning an article about feminism and blogging that is coming out soon? Is that out yet?
ReplyDeletePS: Really, I just wish I could TAKE that class!
I like Comrade's idea of having the students blog about the class.
ReplyDeleteThat was not what I suggested.
True, CPP, but it's still a good idea -- The students will blog as part of the course on a course blog, the address of which shall be shared in due time. It's not quite ready for its debut yet. As for what you actually DID suggest, CPP (i.e., asking students how they would feel about Moose blogging about the course here), that is also a good idea. Perhaps she will do that.
ReplyDeleteOh, and AnnieEm: The article will be in the winter 2011 issue of The Journal of Women's History, which has to be a world record for speed in the production of a scholarly journal in the humanities. Credit Tenured Radical and the crack team of editors at JWH.
The students will blog as part of the course on a course blog, the address of which shall be shared in due time.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget to schedule my guest lecture!!!!
can't imagine how your blogging course failed to make this list.
ReplyDelete@CPP: You bet, my friend. We're just trying to fit the special unit Anglo-Saxon vernacularisms onto the syllabus. We'll be in touch.
ReplyDelete@GlassPen: What can I say? No respect. Hard to believe they are not following America's best darn dead dog blog over there at the Daily Beast!
Sorry for misreading you, Comrade. Clearly I'm losing any multitasking skill I used to have...
ReplyDeleteRoxie, my agent will be in contact regarding the honorarium and a few other minor details.